How Often Should You Have Your Windows Cleaned?

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Cleaning your windows is a real hassle. Whether at home or at your business, nobody wants to waste their evenings or weekends up a ladder spending hours trying to get their windows streak-free.

If you own a business, having sparkling clean windows is vitally important. First impressions count, so keeping your business looking sharp gives current customers more confidence in you, helps attract new customers, and gives your staff pride in their workplace.

domestic window cleaning conservatory

Having Your Windows Cleaned at Home

Dirty windows tend to go unnoticed when you live in the property and see them every day, but they’re often the first thing people see when visiting. If you want to impress your neighbours and stop them gossiping about you, you must keep your windows perfectly shiny!

There are many causes for dirty windows, including dust, pollen, pests and grim. If you live by the sea, salt and hard water will also cause problems. These problems will continue to build up, so having a professional cleaning company come once a month will certainly do the trick.

Gone are the days when a window cleaner comes with a rickety old ladder and sponge. These days, the best companies have telescopic poles pumping 100% pure water up to 65 feet above the ground, with no ladder required!

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Having Your Windows Cleaned at Your Business

Regardless of the type of business you run, or the type of windows you have, there’s no excuse for dirty windows! If you own a café, you need your windows to be sparkling to entice people in and provide a backdrop to Instagram snaps. If you run your business in an office block, imagine how depressing it is for staff peering out of dirty windows, and as for schools – kids need to be able to see out!

Keeping your windows clean also helps to boost staff morale. Exposure to sunlight is very important to humans, and is thought to increase the brain’s release of serotonin. This is associated with boosting your mood and helping people feel calm and focused. Sunlight is also effective at improving the productivity of people with SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a condition where someone can get clinically depressed when deprived of sunlight.

As with your home, there is no hard and fast rule as to how often you should have your windows cleaned. Common sense should prevail, but as a general rule businesses should get their windows cleaned every one to two weeks, depending on where they are located. If you’re near a busy road then obviously there will be more dirt and grim, if you own a chip shop you may require more cleaning from all the cooking grease, and if you have large signage that will also need to be kept in tip-top condition.

Professional window cleaning companies can lock in a regular cleaning schedule that will cater to all your needs, both at home and in your business.

At Direct Cleaning Group, we are the leading experts in our field offering state-of-the-art cleaning services. To find out more about our window cleaning services or to request a quote for cleaning your windows, contact Direct Cleaning today.

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